Sunday, April 7, 2013

12 rules for a balanced diet

program for bodybuilding_rules for a balanced diet

Here are 12 simple rules of good nutritional sense, adapted to sedentary as athletes. They contribute to a balanced diet and let you check your diet.

Here are a few lines a set of rules that are easy to apply, participating in a balanced diet, good health and limiting fat intake.

1- Make real three meals a day, a protein shakes or snack is not a real meal;

2- Breakfast should be a full meal, including enough protein;

3- Every meal is taken at the table, sitting with a plate and cutlery, do not eat in a hurry watching TV;
4- There is "no" forbidden foods, only foods that must reduce consumption;

5- No snacking between meals unless you are in ground, and even in this case, it does not make a fat snacking, but snacks whose dose of carbohydrates and protein is calculated;

6- Do not eat standing up or on the street: take the time to sit and eat quietly;

7- Achieve a good balance between carbs / fat / protein: the three food groups are important, do not delete;

8- Contributions must be adapted to spending, so if you train more often you can / need to eat more, if you stop training, you will eat less;

9- Eat according to their appetite or objectives (slightly more if you want to grow muscle, slightly less if you want to lose weight fat), do not eat out of habit or just to look;

10- In case of intensive practice of bodybuilding or any other sport, consider adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and fiber, but also for your body basified (excess protein acidifies the blood).

Two more points to note:

11- The balance is not built on a meal, but on one or more days. Is a gap or a lack of a meal can and must make the following meals;

12- A full meal is composed from the major food groups. At least one meal contains a protein source (meat, fish, eggs, ...), a carbohydrate source (fruit, vegetables, cereals, ...) and a lipid source (fish fat, vegetable oil, nuts, ...). -->

Women and muscles

Naturally, it is impossible to become too muscular for a woman. Women gain more slowly than men because initially, they have less power, more fragile joints, thinner bones, muscle, etc.

program for bodybuilding_women and musclesThus, the risk of becoming too muscular for women is very low.

"I do not want to become like schwarzy" is a phrase that comes up quite often. It simply means, "I do not want to get too muscular that is to say:

- Deformed his body,
- Look like a bodybuilder man.

  The important thing to realize is that it is simply impossible for the natural (without doping product) for a woman to take too much muscle. In fact, the women leave with several disadvantages to progress in bodybuilding:

- Less force out;
- Joints more fragile;
- Thinner frame;
- Male hormone (testosterone, a highly anabolic hormone) less important;
- Etc.

All these parameters are that women are at least as fast as men's muscle.

In all cases, it takes years of hard training to progress and reach a certain level (s) may qualify TOO muscular. Natural for a man, it may take ten years, sometimes more, most can never reach that level. For women, it's even longer to gain muscle.

It has only to look at the people who are training room, they are far from being all very muscular, yet a number of them dope. So girls, do not worry: if men, who have a better constitution fail to become very muscular, there is little chance that you become in a few weeks or months of training.

So here you go, as a woman, you have many years of bodybuilding workouts before taking a lot of muscle and become too muscular. -->

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Program for bodybuilding_The LAFAY

program for bodybuilding_lafayThe LAFAY method (created by Olivier Lafay, and launched in April 2004) is a method of fitness without equipment, consisting of 13 levels. Before starting, you are asked to do a test (consisting of exercises like push- ups, dips, pull-ups) to assess your fitness level. Depending on the result, you will be directed to the level best suited to your current strength.

The training itself consists of a warm-up, followed by a sequence of several years (6 years and older) with a relatively short period of rest, followed by a warm-up phase. Once you have achieved the objectives set by the level where you are now, you can move on. Each level has different exercises, different amplitudes, the difficulty is increasing and drives all different from one level to another.

  The ultimate goal is absolutely not to arrive at the highest level possible because the level two may very well help you develop both physically and level 6. Thus, it is rather recommended changing level when you are tired of it, when you are unable to move, either physically or number of repetitions performed.
The method exists in men's sizes, but also a women's version, and is intended for all, regardless of age, without restriction. 

program for bodybuilding


Bodybuilding at home

program for bodybuilding- bodybuilding at homeMuscles at home requires very little equipment in order to achieve an effective training program. You can even have a bodybuilding program without any equipment, just with a traction bar.

Resistance training at home is a great solution for those who do not want or can't go to a gym. Whether for reasons of time or savings, to train at home is an equally effective alternative. As you will see from reading this article, it is not at all necessary to have latest equipment to successfully grow and get results in bodybuilding. It is possible to train with very little equipment or even with virtually no equipment.

Bodybuilding at home

  At home, you can opt for a conventional weight training with dumbbells and bars, or opt for programs without equipment, such as Lafay method or program for the torso presented in this case.

Lafay method provides guidance to train at home and progress for several months or years (depending on your current level and your goal) while being totally guided by the book. This book will offer you a set of exercises, but also training programs to advance continuously.

However, I personally recommend all the same to have a minimum weight bench and a draw-bar, a pair of dumbbells and a barbell. With this material, which does not cost much, you can work your entire body completely and for several years.

In any case, and whatever your choice, you have to know one thing: training at home is very effective workout in a gym. It is not at all necessary to have the latest modern muscle machines, or all devices with an assortment of pulleys, ropes and handles to move the right way in bodybuilding for many years.

So if you want your muscles, you can't use the excuse of training at home for not looking forward to the most.

this is a program can help you click here -->

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nutrition and balanced diet

program for bodybuilding-DiETbalanced diet is achieved when it does not take body fat, it avoids the shortcomings and retains shape and health. This requires a fine balance between variety, quantity and quality of inputs.

   A balanced diet is a broad concept that includes all the good eating habits to be healthy, do not be deficient and not to fat.We often think that food is something simple, whose sole purpose is to bring us the calories needed to live and play sports, as well as sufficient to build muscle proteins. However, power is something larger and more complex. It must cover our basic nutritional intake by providing carbohydrates, fats and proteins, but also vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber, water, ...No food eaten alone (even the best protein powder or the best weight gainer) is not complete enough to bring all these elements in the correct proportions. Our diet must consist of a variety of foods, which between them allow us to provide all that is necessary for our body and if possible just what is needed (not to take unnecessary fat). 

We must find a balance.

 In the diet, there is no bad food or prohibited with the exception of unsaturated fats, oils, animal fats, bread, sugar, pasta [...] are often maligned foods, but are not in themselves a threat to a balanced diet. Alone is often too dangerous to do that we use. All these foods are labeled bad actually essential to our balance, but if you know how to measure them. A good stew or a McDonalds' are not harmful eating habits, simply avoid abuse. 

There is therefore "no" forbidden foods, just foods whose consumption should be limited. To have a balanced diet, one should consume each family food (carbohydrates, proteins, but also lipids), so we must "eat everything". For cons, the consumption of each family food should be adjusted according to the physical activity.This is very important for us, practitioners training. Compared to sedentary (a person practicing any sport), we need to increase our intake of carbohydrates to have enough energy for training and especially protein for muscle recovery and growth.  

Attention carbohydrates does not mean simply sugars because all carbohydrates are not equal, and some are preferred or avoided (we return to this point in the case devoted to carbohydrates).

balanced diet of sport is based on the food mix and choice of good sources of nutrients, as well as the adaptation of the volume of food in terms of its physical activity.

Catching a weak point

Weak point

It is quite simply a muscle behind the other and break the line. Ie at first glance it appears that the practitioner is less developed here compared to his other muscles.

This may be in large parts of the body like legs surmounted by a fine big top (diagram we see too often in the rooms), on sets of muscle groups as a good bust and no arms or good legs and no calves, on protagonists-antagonists muscles (quadriceps / hamstrings, chest / back, biceps / triceps ...) or, and here it becomes finer, the different parts of a single muscle : for example the biceps developed within arm but on the outside curve (long stretch) or a low chest high but well rounded all flat.

The causes of weaknesses

Several causes are possible, but must first distinguish a real weak spot a fake. And yes, if you do not have legs, but you do not train it is not a weak point in either! It is simply the nature of the human body adapts to stimuli received, and no stimulation to drive not equal muscle growth.You may have already experienced this personally or have known someone in your life who after joint injury was seen wearing a cast for several weeks.

 As we took away the area immobilized atrophied, which is the most perfect example.If your weakness is due to a lack of training, do not worry it is easier to correct. Just take care of the weakest work priority, such as early stage or sitting when you're the fittest, progress should not delay!By cons, if you are in the case of muscles worked regularly, so here we are dealing with a real weak point, which does not react properly to the drive. Start by analyzing your training. 

 Here are some thoughts to help you: do you work in the area late too often and as hard as the rest of the body? Feel the muscle work? What training method do you use it and is it the same as other muscles? In long series? Strength? Racing or partial? Etc ... In short THINK!But the cause may be genetic. Here the list can be very long, but include bulk: a muscle insertions little benefit, which can give a short muscle, with little hard because of the lever arms disadvantageous a significant percentage of type I muscle fibers (fibers called endurance limited potential for hypertrophy), poor irriguation nervous etc ...

Solutions to implement

If you do not feel the muscle working, the most important change that. Priority is muscular sensation to feel the area and worked to push muscular failure. On the other hand, you've probably noticed that your strengths react very quickly to training. In some series congestion and muscle fatigue are there and we feel even better work. The goal is that the same is true for your weaknesses.

At first you apply to make series lighter and longer for the technical implementation as perfect as possible. Concentrate up to feel the area worked with a rather slow pace of implementation and voltage. Force like a madman, taking the momentum is going to help you! Your new way to help develop a motor pattern, ie one mind-muscle finer and efficiently.Pre-fatigue is also a good solution.

 Not felt in the chest bench? No problem, do an isolation exercise to start, eg with dumbbells apart and chain series with the bench immediately. Your chest will already exhausted and other stabilizing muscles synergistic and smaller (anterior deltoids, triceps) will not be the limiting factor and your chest will go to failure! 

Electrostimulation may also be considered although expensive at the hardware level (count 500 to 600 euros for a powerful stimulator) and complicated to implement.The most important thing is that all the muscles of the body are different, so what works for some will not work for others. 

You have a weak point, ok no problem training will be focused on! But not to go into overtraining, reduce the strengths in the work to a minimum and matraquez your weaknesses. The fact that under certain muscles will cause your body to be able to focus more fully on the weak points further worked. You will not lose your strengths, they just stagnerons but when the delay will be filled, and rework the normally 2-3 weeks, they will be at the top. 

The important thing is to be aware of its weaknesses and strive to catch up to get a physical and aesthetic most comprehensive possible, this course according to your desires. Your body is your topic, your tools are rest, nutrition and training, be your own sculptor. -->

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The water, combined athletes

Introduction :

Representing nearly 70% of our body weight, water is the most essential of all nutrients.The body reserves are modest and the external input is vital: a state of dehydration can lead to death in the worst case.

The role of water in the body


There are 3 major roles:

Plastic: as a main constituent of cells and tissues. Without water no cells, therefore no life.
Function: transport of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements), waste disposal, electrolytic.

Several elements of our body are in liquid (blood, plasma, lymph ...), and this state is the water which is the main constituent.

Heat as an element to cool the body (sweating). Water helps regulate our body temperature as you probably know must be maintained at around 37.5 °.
Note that in contrast to generate heat the body uses muscle (tremor), as we shall see a little later.

Loss and water intake

As you know we are all different, and this is also true for our body composition. Age, sex, and especially body composition (varying amounts between fat and muscle) vary the amount of water. Indeed, the muscle is 70% water while body fat contains only 23%. This explains the difference between template 2 people weighing the same weight more muscular you are, the more one is somehow dense, so with a smaller volume of the body.These data are the inputs and losses will vary depending on the individual but in general we lose 1.7 to 2.4 liters of water per day (urine, feces, respiration, transpiration). Losses it is mandatory to fill in maintaining the water balance of the body, under penalty of dehydration. Two elements to this: the food (a daily diet of about 2500 kcal per day brings 1-1.5 L of water anyway), the rest should come from beverages: 1-1.5 L, to replace losses. Do not drink too much during meals to avoid overloading the stomach. Prefer intake of beverages outside thereof.Water is the only drink indispensable, all other, be it fruit juice, soda or alcohol do that to include calories as sugar (4 kcal / g) and alcohol (7kcal/gramme) , but also vitamins and minerals.Excess water is eliminated through urine, and essential for allowing the elimination of nitrogenous waste (following the ingestion of protein) by the kidneys. So we eat more protein (in reasonable limits, of course, with a maximum of 1.6 g per kg of body weight beyond which there is no benefit for muscle development), plus you'll have s hydrate.In the case of a diet rich in carbohydrates, to an increase in glycogen (carbohydrate famous rebound), do not forget one gram of glycogen is associated with 2.7 grams of water to Hence the importance of hydration and consistently adapted to meet this storage.During exercise, water loss must be filled in as and effort (and even avoided with abundant moisture before the session) to avoid dehydration and its negative effects: decreased mental and physical performance cramps, vomiting and risk of death. 

The famous weighed before and after exercise, with a difference of weight often negative, does in fact just to see the amount of water lost from the body. Moreover, this difference is large, and the athlete is poorly hydrated ... to meditate!

The best way to stay hydrated during exercise

Guarantor of physical endurance performance as strength, proper hydration can increase performance (and especially avoid falling).Just as we often adheres to a feeding protocol around his training, he must have a unique approach to hydration.The capacity of the body to absorb drinks are limited, we must plan ahead and drink regularly throughout 15-20 minutes sips of water to start the session in the best hydration possible better than cure.For sports drinks (purchased or homemade), you must monitor the sugars and minerals. Isotonic drinks (containing a concentration equal to that of the body) are optimum in terms of their speed of assimilation. Too many carbs or not enough, and it loses in rapidity (pure water absorption leads to an isotonic drink less under certain conditions during exercise).

Keep it simple

To summarize, drinking is essential for life, good for performance, body and spirit (oops, I digress it feels like a pub with babies swimming ...).

Seriously hydration is a key component of athletic performance, follow the tips outlined, whose main: drink regularly in small quantities, and even select and given its price, choose water.

bodybuilding-tips for beginners

beginner bodybuilding program 
Beginners in bodybuilding is often embedded in a huge information, not knowing where to turn.
This article therefore aims to summarize the nine essential points on which a beginner should focus to a good start.

1- Learn to be patient

Have you ever heard someone say that he did not use excessive force by fear of gaining too fast muscle?Well, know that, unfortunately, gain muscle is a long journey of several months, years, decades to see! It progresses slowly, and looks like Dorian Yates 6 times Mr Olympia, in analogy with the construction of a house, laying brick by brick.If you are consistent and persistent, you will inevitably rewarded one day or the other.


2- Avoid Injury: Warm up and stretch

Sometimes when we train, we began, we feel as invincible, indestructible, as if nothing was going, could not stop us.Unfortunately, this period does not last long. All practitioners with many years of training behind them will tell you. The human body is not made to lift every day melting.This is why you should take care of your body. As to progress, we must continue. Warming up and stretching are two practices that you should incorporate into your training, mandatory.Warm up before each session, even if you're in a hurry, even to remove your exercise program. This is better than getting hurt.And stretch after each session to see even dedicated sessions with stretching to stay flexible and not stiff. It soon came to tear a muscle in a stretched a bit violent during an exercise when you are not flexible enough.

3- Keep it simple

I'll tell you a story. A few years ago, I knew a person who had a training program for all there were more commonplace. He progressed steadily without encountering any particular problem.Gradually, he began to focus on the why and how. Why this program worked? Why do that and not this?He changed his program, always doing something more outlandish.Two years later, he had lost more than 10 kg and 5 cm lending arm!This does not mean that you do not have an interest in understanding the training, but remember to keep it simple when it comes to developing your bodybuilding program. Do not spread yourself by going to the last so and so-and-so program boasts. Keep it simple!

4- Have a balanced program

Want pecs, shoulders and arms, I suppose?But what is it, back, thighs and other muscle groups?If you are not working the muscles of the "front" of course, you will gain muscle "face" but it will only last a while, until the wound.Not only in balancing the forces of both sides of the joints, do not develop evenly, you force your luck that you hurt and losing your hard earned muscles. Therefore working your muscles, do not forget!

5- Keep your ego in the closet

We are told constantly that we must put heavy, yet heavy, growing heavy.But heavy, it does not mean too heavy. You must, as a beginner, learn the various exercises properly with impeccable technique.You must control your movements, and not vice versa, let yourself be guided by the load.In addition, everyone cares whether you put 30 or 50 kg!Are, again, patient. Charges will rise gradually, with good technique.

6- Do not neglect your diet

If there is one thing overlooked by most practitioners, it is their power. If you want to move "quickly", you must have a suitable diet, you can feed your muscles recover faster.It is not for nothing that many champions cite nutrition as the predominant factor in their results (before training, rest, and doping). Without going to the, be aware that if you neglect this aspect of bodybuilding, you not progress as quickly as possible.

7- Take supplements?

Just start as beginners they want to buy protein powder or other supplements touted by the last champion.Even before a "diet" plan adapted to the gym!As if the supplements had a magical effect, they were required to progress. Before considering the purchase of any supplements, you should already have a diet plan suited is the base.After that, add supplements will help. But do not buy anything without looking at the composition, without knowing what you actually bought. Read the labels, compare, and only after, depending on your budget, buy but expect to blow up your sleeves t-shirt after the first dose. It's like training, diet, all progress is made on the long-term duration.Do not expect to miracle supplements in the short term.

8- Set goals for yourself

What do you, what do you do to get it, how to get there as fast as possible?It is these issues that you must consider when you develop your sessions.To train randomly until the progress out of the hat is the worst thing to do when you start.You must set reasonable goals at each meeting, each week, each month, to keep up your "home."Otherwise, you will always réez the floor, without ever rising to the upper floor. Plan your workouts according to your goal, do not leave to chance.

9- The Trap of doping

It always shocks me.A beginner is training a few weeks, hears products without knowing what it is about and decides to take without knowing exactly what to expect.Anabolic steroids are based drugs. They are not made for sports use. It is in some ways one of their effects "secondary". If only this was the one.As derived from male hormone, testosterone, most of the time, you should expect to many side effects really this time such as hair loss, acne, gynecomastia ... and more seriously the development of any kind of cancer!Do not fall into the trap because there is nothing to gain by doping, nothing! Not even money, because weight, except for a handshake and a cup, you will not "nothing."

Progress for yourself and not for others at your level

Bodybuilding for women

bodybuilding female_program for bodybuilding
Nothing more difficult for a woman to suggest the practice of traditional bodybuilding. However, the physical women can only improve the working muscles!No, do exercises with weights is not going to turn you into a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger, give you big arms or legs of a shot putter!

Less feminine, really?

  Women are afraid to muscles because they fear losing their femininity. What you should know is that the models, actresses or pop stars that show a perfect body - which makes many envious - all are building muscle. Clearly, they are in the gym, the "fitness" or its derivatives.These celebrities have voluntarily improved physically, often with the help of a coach, or by musclant becoming more athletic and slimmer.

Remember Madonna, the "Queen of Pop" with her legs drawn, her body arched and his muscular arms! This mother of two spends 2 hours a day to sculpt his body fitness, pilates and jogging. Another example, actress Jessica Biel who is also set to bodybuilding for the third installment of the trilogy Blade. Cameron Diaz also one of the sexiest women in American cinema and a great sport and has made the buzz by posting a very athletic physique. Finally, Demi Moore! She did a lot of strength and endurance to display a sublime body in his films. Today's drives are indeed less intensive, but still retains the shape by practicing yoga and Pilates.  Anyway, times change, and the canons of beauty too. Today, physical prevail are those women who show a slender silhouette, firm and toned, with a little muscle but not too much.

Sculpt his body!

  Lifting weights does not necessarily develop muscles. Indeed, muscle gain is a complex process that depends on several parameters such as the production of hormones, nutrition, and also how to lead. If all conditions are not in place, muscle growth will not take place or will be less. In short, it is very hard to gain muscle and you do not end up with good musculature of the day or next day without having longed.And even if this were the case, gain muscle mass anyway reversible. If it is too muscular, just change the drive to reverse the trend.

  Also, muscle growth is highly dependent on hormones, particularly testosterone, the source of masculine characteristics: muscle, strength, deep voice, hair, etc. aggression. The woman has little of this hormone in it and is therefore constrained in terms of muscle gains.

  Another key factor in muscle gain is nutrition. Without a good diet, rich in nutrients such as protein and calories, you can not gain muscle. In other words, if you feed little or if you are dieting, no chance of winning muscle volume. You will strengthen you more and you draw.

 To gain muscle, how to practice is also crucial. Must gradually increase the weight to force the muscles to grow. And even in doing so, not guaranteed to gain muscle.

  As you can see, muscle development is a difficult and complex process.

  Of course, some women are able to display extremely physical muscular bodybuilder, sometimes even more than a man. You should know that they use as their male counterparts, many performance-enhancing drugs, including the famous steroid, a synthetic version of testosterone. But without these hazardous and illegal, they could not reach such levels. Therefore no risk of becoming like that ...

So do the training!

  As you can see, ladies, you will not find yourself overnight with exaggerated musculature. Lifting weights regularly will help you tone your muscles, making them stronger and get a plastic shaped and firm. Combined with endurance activities and a balanced diet, you will free fat diets and destructive, while gaining confidence in you.

Monday, April 1, 2013


MHR is an important tool of control and EVALUTION very useful, but use should not obscure one important parameter of training: the sensations of the athlete, what is also called the "internal load "and corresponds to the rider felt during the session (this one representing the external load) it is imporant to be well known and this requires a good analysis of his sensations to modulate the effort depending on the circumstances.  It is not possible to interpret the data without the theoretical references and personal. The earliest based on the maximum heart rate (MHR).

   The proper use of your HEART depends essentially on yourself and you need to do adequacy goals with as soon as you fixed with the precision you expect.

program for bodybuilding_MHR

  It is not possible to interpret the data without the theoretical references and personal. The earliest based on the maximum heart rate (MHR).

  VO2 MAX / the rate at which aerobic processes operate their maximum.


  1)- the indirect way. It is based on statistical formulas. This type of assessment is imprecise,
it applies to many but rarely to a specific individual. The most famous

  2)- age is based on references that do not apply to sports that this formula is valid it faudait adjust the equation MHR = 217-0.85X AGE and adjust according to the data, add 2 beats per minute for a high level athlete or subtract 5 beats for a cyclist.


program abs 6 weeks

The key to having a flat stomach