Wednesday, April 24, 2013

There must be three sets per exercise!

In this article, we explain why it is advisable to do 3 sets of work per exercise and not exercises with 4, 5 or 6 series. Make too many series is useless because it decreases the intensity, but make a smaller number is very difficult technically.

program for bodybuilding

Do not do 4 sets or more:

First, let's see why do 4, 5 or 6 sets of work exercise is too. As you know, the goal to be sure you have set sufficient intensity in your exercise, and reach failure on your last set of work.

If you use 6 series, so you will have to take a very low weight, in order to succeed, for example 6 sets of 10 reps and reach failure in the sixth round. This means that on your first 3 to 4 rounds, you would actually have made a couple of rehearsals. And, so these first three or four rounds have not been any real utility, except you tired because the intensity of work on the series was too low.

Making a single series, One set / HIT:

But then, one might ask the question of interest to more than one series. In fact, just take the maximum weight that can be used to make a series of work, with a failure on this series. It is a method called One Set / HIT, which works, but is very complex to set up.

To successfully get the most out of a single set of work, you must:

- Very familiar with his body to know exactly how much weight to use;

- Excellent ability to concentrate and a great mastery of movement to successfully execute our exercise with a heavy weight;

- Have sufficient experience to successfully go to failure on the first set while managing to not degrade too technical;

- Pass to all on a single set of work performed directly after heating.

It is for this reason that, apart from very experienced practitioners, it is really not advisable to do one series. Simply because it is difficult to succeed in making a single set of productive work.

In addition, this raises another problem: it would use a much more important to make three weight. And, the problem is that experienced practitioners already lift heavy enough weight, it use to them to look for methods to increase further, otherwise further traumatize their joints.

Do 2 sets, this is the same problem, although there with some control and experience it becomes more feasible. Make two sets is a good way to save time. But again carefully, you should know it.

Do 3 sets:

It is for this reason that we generally recommend performing three sets of work because it allows to have a right to make mistakes, and "miss" a series without penalizing your training. Three series allows you to use heavy enough weight, while allowing you to have several "tests" and sufficient intensity.

However, be careful because in bodybuilding nothing is stagnant and for some it will be advisable to make more than three sets of work: for example, for beginners who will learn the movements, which deliberately seek to limit the weight of work injured athletes ...

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Number of sets and repetitions (Part 2)

program for bodybuilding Speed ​​exercises:

The exercises should be done at different speeds depending on the type of training:

- Heavy and very heavy workouts are done in an explosive manner to allow the use of the heaviest possible load and thus best to foster the nervous system and muscles.

- The lighter workouts will be more slow and controlled. Beginners should also be applied to control the load and learn the movement and avoid exercises too quickly to allow better muscular sensations.

The number of sets:

With a view to taking mass, the ideal is to practice heavy sets (8-12 repetitions), we will only three series,so that put the heaviest possible.

Depending on your resilience and employee training format, you can go to failure and half body split, but be careful not to go to failure on each set, but the last set of each exercise, otherwise excessive strain your nervous system and slow your progress.

Note that beginners do not have the ability to make very intense sessions must compensate by taking a little less recovery time between sets.

Part 1

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Number of sets and repetitions (Part 1)

The number of repetitions depends on your goal.

Heavy series (8-12) repetitions are generally more effective to work the volume. For the number of sets, 3 is enough to work well.

There are several factors for muscle gain, burning and congestion (when the muscles swell gorging blood) are the least productive use is more productive "heavy-duty".

Use heavy loads

It is therefore, necessary to define what these heavy loads, in fact according to the number of repetitions, we will train different aspects of performance:

- The heavy series, that is to say, with less than 5 repetitions, promote the development of the nervous system and therefore strength, not muscle mass because muscle fatigue is low due to the short duration of the series. So we will make short and heavy sets with long rest time, 3 to 5 minutes, to allow our bodies to reproduce the intensity of effort in order to increase its maximum strength.

- A heavy training corresponds to sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, it will promote muscle growth and not the nervous system. Indeed, nervous fatigue is less important, but the metabolic muscle strain is more, it allows a much more traumatic muscularly and therefore greater overcompensation work. We use rest periods long enough 1min30 to 3 minutes. This type of training is the most effective way to develop muscle mass and is the one most frequently used, it also increases the maximum force, but unless a program heavy series.

-A light workout is a workout of 12 reps and more. There are mainly promotes congestion and burning, and the focus is on the hormonal adjustment resulting from this type of training, indeed lactic acid for example is a precursor of testosterone. Moreover, these workouts are meant to improve the size of glycogen (carbohydrates present in the muscle) and thus slightly increase muscle mass. Rest time is short, from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Here, the nervous system is much less put to use and the charge is too low to allow the destruction of important muscle tissue, we focus mainly on the energy reserves of the muscle.

Be careful however, as an experienced practitioner can make a series of 10 with a heavy weight.

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

The basic training

program for bodybuilding
The training adapts to stress the muscle and therefore increase. For this, there are different ways of working (higher loads, full body, split routine, ...). In addition, basic exercises or isolation exercises can work endurance, strength and mass.

The General Adaptation Syndrome is what governs muscle growth. It defines the adaptation of the body (muscles to grow) at a given stress (the weight training), have provided the means (rest, nutrition, ...). Note, as we will see that this adaptation is specific and that the transfer of power between two exercises for the same is not always obvious.

Also be aware that you will advance on the criteria you select (strength, endurance, mass, ...) and it's not because you progress on an exercise for muscle gain that will be transferable to another exercise for the same muscle. Defining your goals are important.

  Progressive overload is the basis of training: for the adaptation syndrome is continuous, always bring more stress to the muscles, increasing expenses, but not only ... we will give you other tracks in folder.

Another important concept is the work function of your maximum strength. To gain muscle, it is considered that the ideal is between 60% and 77% of this force, but we will see that this is not always true!

Defining the type of workout (full body, half body or split routine) is also crucial because it is what will determine the whole structure of your workout.

Finally, the choice between the type of exercise (isolation exercise or base year) and how to make them (the working range) are also very important. The best is to combine the two types of exercises because they are complementary, and use the maximum amplitude that you can do with anatomy. And, everyone is not equal on this point: it all depends on your levers, arm length, the width of the torso ... So you need to adapt your range ensure your body, your muscle to work effectively without hurting yourself.

As you can see, many good ideas to master to progress well.

meal plan example for bodybuilding

Breakfast: 10egg whites two whole eggs.
program for bodybuilding

*Meal 2: 10oz salmon fillet, one cup broccoli, one cup carrots

*Meal 3: 10oz chicken breast, 7stems of asparagus, 1cup low fat cottage cheese

*Meal 4: protein shake, half cup peanut butter half cup almonds.

*Meal 5: 10oz chicken , 2 cups spinach, an orange, and a cup of plain Greek yogurt.

*Meal 6: 12oz tilapia, one full avocado, half cup walnuts.

Goals 100% lean mass gains, not bulking but not cutting, I want the happy medium.

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Chest Workout Level 3

program for bodybuilding chest exercises 

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Level 1
Level 2



Dry weight: lose fat

program for bodybuilding
The dry weight is something more complex than a simple diet. It takes a good control of his power, but be careful to avoid the most common mistakes, not erase a few weeks the muscle gains you several months to acquire.

As a first step, we will define what a dry and what are the main principles for successful food know your hair. Remember that hair is not a simple diet: the aim is not only to lose weight. The goal is a little more specific and complex to achieve: lose fat, but without losing hard-earned muscle during your workouts bodybuilding.

  To do this, you must properly allocate different macro-nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, but without the use of percentages. In fact, a percentage distribution makes no sense because nutrient requirements are defined in grams compared to your body weight. Of these three nutrients, the adjustment variable is the amount of carbohydrates. They are the ones that will modulate to lose fat. In fact, losing fat does not mean eating less fat.

We will also see that even if the proteins play an essential role in a dry, it is not out of the question that they consume. In fact, they do not allow a proper functioning of the body if you do not consume this nutrient. Eat only protein is the best solution to degrade their health, but also miss his dry.

A very common error for a dry, is to try to change his workout, but also want to add too large a dose of cardio-training we see that these two solutions are to be avoided if you want to keep your muscles.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chest Workout Level 2

chest exercises 

Watch this videos
Chest Workout Home Version

Level 1

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


program for bodybuilding_proteinsThe fame of protein in the world of bodybuilding and beyond is often accompanied by more or less

approximation to the true nature of this nutrient. This file is intended to provide an update on the subject.

Proteins are probably the most famous nutrient in bodybuilding, whether by practitioners, such as non-practicing.

Yet few really know their roles and modes of operation:

- For some, it is a magical nutrient that can build muscle significantly and quickly, without effort. We will, of

   course, that's not true. Protein helps the body to build muscle, but only if the dosage is correct and that the

body is placed in a favorable condition for this construction, thanks to bodybuilding.

- For others, it is a food that helps losing weight, as with dietary supplements type (Slim Fast), or the protein diet.

In addition, we see that it is not possible to talk block of proteins, as a generic term for this concept is

 broad and includes several things:

program for bodybuilding_proteins
- Animal protein
- Vegetable proteins
- Protein powder
- Amino acids

  Indeed, one can't speak of proteins not to mention amino acids, which are the basic constituents. It is they

who largely determine the quality and characteristics of a protein, whether in powder, or from food.

Last, it is sometimes good to remember: everyone eats every day protein (from meat, fish or eggs, but milk

and vegetables). This is not a doping or a nutrient hazardous to health.