If you are looking for muscular endurance without wanting a lot of volume, so do high reps. However, as you can not get a localized thinning, do not expect to have well defined abs, because the result is more due to diet and cardio activities.
The cardiovascular work is essential to burn calories and fat reserves and give a boost to the metabolism. The first steps of this program are to establish a good fitness base with 3 or 4 weekly sessions of at least 30 minutes. In 3-5 weeks, you start doing cardio sessions until 1am if you find that your silhouette unchanged.Nutrition
As you've probably noticed, diet plays a key role in the definition of the abdominal muscles. If you overeat, you'll never see your abs, even if you are working like a madman. From the beginning of this 6-week program, keep a notebook and take power into the habit of marking everything that you eat. This will allow you to control your food intake, calories and nutrients, and more importantly, you will be less likely to cheat if you know you will note. Make six small balanced meals spread over the day and include foods rich in nutrients, low in saturated fats and sugars with enough protein (about 2.2 g / day per kilogram of body weight). In addition, you eliminate dairy products to minimize the effects of lactose lose definition.
Over the six weeks, you will begin to reduce your daily intake of calories in order to accuse a daily calorie deficit. This will help burn fat and that is why it is essential to consume protein. Continuing bodybuilding, you will not lose muscle and your metabolism will remain high. Be sure to absorb all the essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins and minerals. Be in tune with your body, because if caloric restriction is excessive, it will use muscle as fuel. You will precisely adjust your calories from week to week depending on how your body responds to the program. Drink plenty of water (4-5 liters) will help keep your muscles full and the drain during the first five weeks. At week 6, you will reduce fluid intake, which will eliminate subcutaneous water and bring out the relief muscle.Abdominal Exercises
The technique is crucial. If it is a rule in bodybuilding, it is a law must for abs. You will begin by building a foundation for these muscles, that is to say, the first few weeks will be devoted to the development of endurance and perfecting the technique. This comprehensive program targets the upper and lower abs and the obliques, alternating each week, the area will be sought first. In each session, you will perform supersets nine, three sets of two exercises for each part of the lap. Week 1 will start with the endurance phase, with 25 repetitions maximum and exercises fairly easy and without rest between supersets. Over the weeks, you add resistance or you choose more difficult movements made in shorter series (8 to 12 repetitions) to develop the strength and volume, will lie as breaks between sets while relaxing up to 45 seconds.