Tuesday, April 2, 2013

bodybuilding-tips for beginners

beginner bodybuilding program 
Beginners in bodybuilding is often embedded in a huge information, not knowing where to turn.
This article therefore aims to summarize the nine essential points on which a beginner should focus to a good start.

1- Learn to be patient

Have you ever heard someone say that he did not use excessive force by fear of gaining too fast muscle?Well, know that, unfortunately, gain muscle is a long journey of several months, years, decades to see! It progresses slowly, and looks like Dorian Yates 6 times Mr Olympia, in analogy with the construction of a house, laying brick by brick.If you are consistent and persistent, you will inevitably rewarded one day or the other.


2- Avoid Injury: Warm up and stretch

Sometimes when we train, we began, we feel as invincible, indestructible, as if nothing was going, could not stop us.Unfortunately, this period does not last long. All practitioners with many years of training behind them will tell you. The human body is not made to lift every day melting.This is why you should take care of your body. As to progress, we must continue. Warming up and stretching are two practices that you should incorporate into your training, mandatory.Warm up before each session, even if you're in a hurry, even to remove your exercise program. This is better than getting hurt.And stretch after each session to see even dedicated sessions with stretching to stay flexible and not stiff. It soon came to tear a muscle in a stretched a bit violent during an exercise when you are not flexible enough.

3- Keep it simple

I'll tell you a story. A few years ago, I knew a person who had a training program for all there were more commonplace. He progressed steadily without encountering any particular problem.Gradually, he began to focus on the why and how. Why this program worked? Why do that and not this?He changed his program, always doing something more outlandish.Two years later, he had lost more than 10 kg and 5 cm lending arm!This does not mean that you do not have an interest in understanding the training, but remember to keep it simple when it comes to developing your bodybuilding program. Do not spread yourself by going to the last so and so-and-so program boasts. Keep it simple!

4- Have a balanced program

Want pecs, shoulders and arms, I suppose?But what is it, back, thighs and other muscle groups?If you are not working the muscles of the "front" of course, you will gain muscle "face" but it will only last a while, until the wound.Not only in balancing the forces of both sides of the joints, do not develop evenly, you force your luck that you hurt and losing your hard earned muscles. Therefore working your muscles, do not forget!

5- Keep your ego in the closet

We are told constantly that we must put heavy, yet heavy, growing heavy.But heavy, it does not mean too heavy. You must, as a beginner, learn the various exercises properly with impeccable technique.You must control your movements, and not vice versa, let yourself be guided by the load.In addition, everyone cares whether you put 30 or 50 kg!Are, again, patient. Charges will rise gradually, with good technique.

6- Do not neglect your diet

If there is one thing overlooked by most practitioners, it is their power. If you want to move "quickly", you must have a suitable diet, you can feed your muscles recover faster.It is not for nothing that many champions cite nutrition as the predominant factor in their results (before training, rest, and doping). Without going to the, be aware that if you neglect this aspect of bodybuilding, you not progress as quickly as possible.

7- Take supplements?

Just start as beginners they want to buy protein powder or other supplements touted by the last champion.Even before a "diet" plan adapted to the gym!As if the supplements had a magical effect, they were required to progress. Before considering the purchase of any supplements, you should already have a diet plan suited is the base.After that, add supplements will help. But do not buy anything without looking at the composition, without knowing what you actually bought. Read the labels, compare, and only after, depending on your budget, buy but expect to blow up your sleeves t-shirt after the first dose. It's like training, diet, all progress is made on the long-term duration.Do not expect to miracle supplements in the short term.

8- Set goals for yourself

What do you, what do you do to get it, how to get there as fast as possible?It is these issues that you must consider when you develop your sessions.To train randomly until the progress out of the hat is the worst thing to do when you start.You must set reasonable goals at each meeting, each week, each month, to keep up your "home."Otherwise, you will always réez the floor, without ever rising to the upper floor. Plan your workouts according to your goal, do not leave to chance.

9- The Trap of doping

It always shocks me.A beginner is training a few weeks, hears products without knowing what it is about and decides to take without knowing exactly what to expect.Anabolic steroids are based drugs. They are not made for sports use. It is in some ways one of their effects "secondary". If only this was the one.As derived from male hormone, testosterone, most of the time, you should expect to many side effects really this time such as hair loss, acne, gynecomastia ... and more seriously the development of any kind of cancer!Do not fall into the trap because there is nothing to gain by doping, nothing! Not even money, because weight, except for a handshake and a cup, you will not "nothing."

Progress for yourself and not for others at your level

Bodybuilding for women

bodybuilding female_program for bodybuilding
Nothing more difficult for a woman to suggest the practice of traditional bodybuilding. However, the physical women can only improve the working muscles!No, do exercises with weights is not going to turn you into a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger, give you big arms or legs of a shot putter!

Less feminine, really?

  Women are afraid to muscles because they fear losing their femininity. What you should know is that the models, actresses or pop stars that show a perfect body - which makes many envious - all are building muscle. Clearly, they are in the gym, the "fitness" or its derivatives.These celebrities have voluntarily improved physically, often with the help of a coach, or by musclant becoming more athletic and slimmer.

Remember Madonna, the "Queen of Pop" with her legs drawn, her body arched and his muscular arms! This mother of two spends 2 hours a day to sculpt his body fitness, pilates and jogging. Another example, actress Jessica Biel who is also set to bodybuilding for the third installment of the trilogy Blade. Cameron Diaz also one of the sexiest women in American cinema and a great sport and has made the buzz by posting a very athletic physique. Finally, Demi Moore! She did a lot of strength and endurance to display a sublime body in his films. Today's drives are indeed less intensive, but still retains the shape by practicing yoga and Pilates.  Anyway, times change, and the canons of beauty too. Today, physical prevail are those women who show a slender silhouette, firm and toned, with a little muscle but not too much.

Sculpt his body!

  Lifting weights does not necessarily develop muscles. Indeed, muscle gain is a complex process that depends on several parameters such as the production of hormones, nutrition, and also how to lead. If all conditions are not in place, muscle growth will not take place or will be less. In short, it is very hard to gain muscle and you do not end up with good musculature of the day or next day without having longed.And even if this were the case, gain muscle mass anyway reversible. If it is too muscular, just change the drive to reverse the trend.

  Also, muscle growth is highly dependent on hormones, particularly testosterone, the source of masculine characteristics: muscle, strength, deep voice, hair, etc. aggression. The woman has little of this hormone in it and is therefore constrained in terms of muscle gains.

  Another key factor in muscle gain is nutrition. Without a good diet, rich in nutrients such as protein and calories, you can not gain muscle. In other words, if you feed little or if you are dieting, no chance of winning muscle volume. You will strengthen you more and you draw.

 To gain muscle, how to practice is also crucial. Must gradually increase the weight to force the muscles to grow. And even in doing so, not guaranteed to gain muscle.

  As you can see, muscle development is a difficult and complex process.

  Of course, some women are able to display extremely physical muscular bodybuilder, sometimes even more than a man. You should know that they use as their male counterparts, many performance-enhancing drugs, including the famous steroid, a synthetic version of testosterone. But without these hazardous and illegal, they could not reach such levels. Therefore no risk of becoming like that ...

So do the training!

  As you can see, ladies, you will not find yourself overnight with exaggerated musculature. Lifting weights regularly will help you tone your muscles, making them stronger and get a plastic shaped and firm. Combined with endurance activities and a balanced diet, you will free fat diets and destructive, while gaining confidence in you.

Monday, April 1, 2013


MHR is an important tool of control and EVALUTION very useful, but use should not obscure one important parameter of training: the sensations of the athlete, what is also called the "internal load "and corresponds to the rider felt during the session (this one representing the external load) it is imporant to be well known and this requires a good analysis of his sensations to modulate the effort depending on the circumstances.  It is not possible to interpret the data without the theoretical references and personal. The earliest based on the maximum heart rate (MHR).

   The proper use of your HEART depends essentially on yourself and you need to do adequacy goals with as soon as you fixed with the precision you expect.

program for bodybuilding_MHR

  It is not possible to interpret the data without the theoretical references and personal. The earliest based on the maximum heart rate (MHR).

  VO2 MAX / the rate at which aerobic processes operate their maximum.


  1)- the indirect way. It is based on statistical formulas. This type of assessment is imprecise,
it applies to many but rarely to a specific individual. The most famous

  2)- age is based on references that do not apply to sports that this formula is valid it faudait adjust the equation MHR = 217-0.85X AGE and adjust according to the data, add 2 beats per minute for a high level athlete or subtract 5 beats for a cyclist.


program abs 6 weeks

The key to having a flat stomach


program abs 6 weeks


Week 1 abs program

program for bodybuilding
  Frequency of the drive abs: 3 to 4 times a week.
  Order: Up, down, forward slash (for six weeks, working with each part combined superset 2 exercises). 
  Repetitions / sets: Do 25 repetitions of each superset, three passages in all.
  Rest: No rest unless necessary.
  Cardio 3 times a week. 30 minutes.
  60-70% of MHR (maximum heart rate). 
  Diet: Eat 2.2 g protein / kg body weight equally distributed on meals (six weeks). 
  Drink plenty of water until the fifth week.

Abs program week 2

program for bodybuilding

Frequency of the drive abs: 3 to 4 times a week. 
Order: Low, sloping top.
 Repetitions / sets: Do 20 repetitions of each superset, three passages in all. 
Rest: No rest in the superset, 30 seconds rest between supersets.
 Cardio 4 times a week. 30 minutes. 
 65-75% of MHR.Plan: Cut 250 calories caloric intake base.

Week 3 abs program

program for bodybuilding

 Frequency of the drive abs: 3 to 4 times a week.
 Order: Oblique, up, down.
 Repetitions / sets: Do 15 repetitions of each superset; 30 seconds rest between supersets. 
 Rest: No rest in the superset, 30 seconds rest between supersets. 
 Cardio 4 times a week. 30 minutes.
 65-75% of MHR.Plan: Reduce from 250 to 500 calories caloric intake base.

Abs program week 4

program for bodybuilding

 Frequency of the drive abs: 3 to 4 times a week. 
 Order: High, low, oblique. 
 Repetitions / sets: Do 8 to 12 repetitions of each superset, three passages in all.
 Choose exercises that require more power to be made the statement as legs outstretched. 
 Rest: No rest in the superset, 45 seconds rest between supersets. 
 Cardio 4 times a week. 30 minutes.
 70-80% of MHR.Plan: Hold the calorie deficit of 250-500 calories.

Program abs week 5

program for bodybuilding

Frequency of the drive abs: 3 to 4 times a week. 
Order: low, sloping topRepetitions / sets: Do 8 to 12 repetitions of each superset, three passages in all. 
Rest: No rest in the superset, 45 seconds rest between supersets. 
Cardio 4 times a week. 60 minutes.  
70-80% of MHR.Plan: Make your review and adjust the calories accordingly.

Abs program 6 weeks

program for bodybuilding

Frequency of the drive abs: 3 to 4 times a week. 
Order: Oblique, up, downRepetitions / sets: Do 20 repetitions of each superset, three passages in all. 
Rest: No rest at the superset; minimum rest between supersets. 
Cardio 4 times a week. 60 minutes.  
70-80% of MHR.

 Plan: Make your review and adjust the calories accordingly. Reduce water intake.
you want an effective and easy program  to do.

you want ;

you want this  click here

What is  MHR   next article.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The key to having a flat stomach

program for bodybuilding-flat stomach Here, progress is the watchword and settings you change are the exercises themselves, your diet and cardiovascular work. See how you expect your workout and do not forget that because this program is designed as a complement to your regular fitness training, you must continue to raise the melting! In our planning, you'll never make more than 25 repetitions. Once you reach this maximum with correct form (and getting a good contraction at the end of each movement), you will need to gradually increase the resistance. During the phase of muscle mass and strength, you will not do more than 8 reps.
  If you are looking for muscular endurance without wanting a lot of volume, so do high reps. However, as you can not get a localized thinning, do not expect to have well defined abs, because the result is more due to diet and cardio activities.



  The cardiovascular work is essential to burn calories and fat reserves and give a boost to the metabolism. The first steps of this program are to establish a good fitness base with 3 or 4 weekly sessions of at least 30 minutes. In 3-5 weeks, you start doing cardio sessions until 1am if you find that your silhouette unchanged.


  As you've probably noticed, diet plays a key role in the definition of the abdominal muscles. If you overeat, you'll never see your abs, even if you are working like a madman. From the beginning of this 6-week program, keep a notebook and take power into the habit of marking everything that you eat. This will allow you to control your food intake, calories and nutrients, and more importantly, you will be less likely to cheat if you know you will note. Make six small balanced meals spread over the day and include foods rich in nutrients, low in saturated fats and sugars with enough protein (about 2.2 g / day per kilogram of body weight). In addition, you eliminate dairy products to minimize the effects of lactose lose definition.

  Over the six weeks, you will begin to reduce your daily intake of calories in order to accuse a daily calorie deficit. This will help burn fat and that is why it is essential to consume protein. Continuing bodybuilding, you will not lose muscle and your metabolism will remain high. Be sure to absorb all the essential nutrients, including fiber, vitamins and minerals. Be in tune with your body, because if caloric restriction is excessive, it will use muscle as fuel. You will precisely adjust your calories from week to week depending on how your body responds to the program. Drink plenty of water (4-5 liters) will help keep your muscles full and the drain during the first five weeks. At week 6, you will reduce fluid intake, which will eliminate subcutaneous water and bring out the relief muscle. 


Abdominal Exercises 

  The technique is crucial. If it is a rule in bodybuilding, it is a law must for abs. You will begin by building a foundation for these muscles, that is to say, the first few weeks will be devoted to the development of endurance and perfecting the technique. This comprehensive program targets the upper and lower abs and the obliques, alternating each week, the area will be sought first. In each session, you will perform supersets nine, three sets of two exercises for each part of the lap. Week 1 will start with the endurance phase, with 25 repetitions maximum and exercises fairly easy and without rest between supersets. Over the weeks, you add resistance or you choose more difficult movements made ​​in shorter series (8 to 12 repetitions) to develop the strength and volume, will lie as breaks between sets while relaxing up to 45 seconds. 

When exercising the abdominal 

Workout for abs




When exercising the abdominal

program for bodybuilding_when exercising the abs  The best time to figure these muscles spring a private preference. Answers to the questions below can have an effect on the programming of your session.

  Your abs are a muscle group they deficient?

  If yes, you would like to grade your coaching so as to develop.

  Will you actually wish to figure your abs once a grueling session?

  If you're tired after an intense physical exercise, you will struggle to search out enough energy to exercise your abs. Instead, try and build the beginning of the session.



It can be really amusing to hear users that operate the abdominal everyday thinking that the particular mature faster. A person go to that the thinking behind ​​exercising ones pecs daily for making these mature? Remember that ones abdominal are usually just like any other muscle mass party: they desire pleasure and also healing to look at the actual which is every bit as all to easy to overtrain. That said, many people do seem to heal faster in comparison with bigger muscle groups. Immediately after a rigorous session of feet, you can lug the particular case only a few days and nights, but right after forty eight time, the particular abdominal are usually not unpleasant. Like a standard, observe that in case your abdominal nonetheless harm you will be actually not really ready to be reworked. Think about additionally the particular are usually postural muscular tissues so you do additionally happen, to a certain extent in several various other exercises, even though this specific won't generally build fully. In your rigorous 6 days regarding abdominals which you operate every two days and nights, or even seven times over the period of two weeks.

Chest exercises
Legs exercises  

Workout for abs

program for bodybuilding_workout for abs
  The general obsession of a lap belt firm and well defined is not ready to stop, if we judge by the number of advertisements for equipment designed to work the body part. The only problem with these devices as with most bodybuilding programs for abs, even those used by beginners and intermediate bodybuilders is the lack of progress in the process of training. Despite your enthusiasm and good intentions, you may reps to no end, day after day, with results, zero or disappointing. To the abdominal muscles, the secret is to graduate training based on what has been done every week. If you are willing to spend six weeks this progressive program for abs, you'll be amazed by the muscles toned and firm size that you can finally show off.

  Admittedly, it is not easy to get good abs, especially in the absence of genetic predisposition. If you tend to gain fat around the belly, it will take more than a series of exercises to bring out your abs. To get results, you must combine a healthy diet, a regular cardiovascular activity, and of course a full program of training abs. Rather than suggest you do the same things week after week, the plan proposed by the Module Parameters of 1 and a half months. It aims to bring your top abs in 6 weeks.

  You must first understand what you are trying to do. The rectus muscle is actually a long extending from the lower chest to the pubic bone. Although regarded as a single muscle, we can work from different angles to better target specific regions (like the developed seeking more inclined the upper chest). It is true that we can never completely isolate upper abs to the lower part, but some exercises activate more effectively than any other. The difference is not large, but it is sufficient to justify the use of a wide range of motion for that muscle group.
In general, to stabilize the torso and pelvis mount (and feet) the largest drain region infraumbilical while elevating the rib cage to the pelvis and the lower body held in a fixed position involves more upper abs. In an ab workout, we frequently integrate third component: the work of small and large oblique. These muscles are distinct from the general law, but they are often considered part of the training of the abdominal muscles. Usually they are requested by the years in which we compare a shoulder on the opposite side of the knee.

  The intensive program of six weeks for abs that appears later is designed to develop all parts of the abdominal muscles. Each week you progress by selecting slightly more advanced exercises or making other changes to your work pattern, but each session will include an exercise for upper abs, lower abs and obliques. Cause each region equally creates a balance not only this muscle group, but also the whole body.

next :

-When exercising the abdominal  

You can also see this articles :

Chest exercises
Legs exercises 

Saturday, March 30, 2013

bodybuilding exercise program

program for bodybuilding_bodybuilding exercise program 
Muscle building  program  improves bone power, as well as lowers blood force. No matter if you are an experienced bodybuilder or even you recently delight in striking the weight load hard in the fitness center, location an ambition for ones muscle building exercise program will assist you to attain optimum outcomes. Make sure help to make your own goal difficult yet end up being practical.

  Prepare some sort of regimen that can assist you accomplish the ambitions you've got fixed. Anyone might want to plan on paper or even on computer system; whichever approach anyone decided to go with in setting up your own muscle building exercise goal, talk about your own goal inside a constructive, correct method. It is best to decide on performance-oriented ambitions rather then outcome-oriented ambitions. You'll be able to solely manage your individual muscle building exercise ambitions, you've got absolutely no manage around different individuals exercises, and so don’t allow you to goal winning some sort of opposition. You could possibly help to make your own goal to gain plenty of muscle tissues large, or even drop a certain level of excess fat. Such a goal functions whether anyone be competitive or even not necessarily.

  Planning before starting assists you find structured as well as stay targeted. Getting that in writing causes it to become much more elegant, and even more likely that you'll remain faithful to the plan. It is best to consist of short-term ambitions which help lead to most of your long-term goal. Becoming worn most of your goal directly into smaller ambitions causes it to become safer to stick to your own muscle building exercise routine.

  Arranged some sort of contract for accomplishing most of your goal. With not a contract it might be simple postpone your own muscle building exercise routine. Record each and every training anyone full productively. Consider worthwhile by yourself after your own long-term goal is actually attained.

  The main part of setting up is to will include a proper warm-up interval. Warm up decreases the adjust associated with injuries as well as improves your own effectiveness. Warm up workout routines of one's muscle building exercise might consist of the cardiovascular exercise like home treadmill going for walks, treading, rowing or even stationary riding a bicycle, or even it can be arm circles

  The next thing of one's program is going to be customized to the specific goal that you've fixed or even place that you might want to improve. If the goal entails your own legs approach some sort of muscle building exercise which functions your own legs, like barbell squats or even lower leg presses. Decide on specific workout routines that can raise your own chest, such as the barbell click, if that is certainly your own goal.

  Perform each and every exercise very carefully in order to avoid injuries. To construct large, perform much less reps yet consist of much more sets as well as bulkier weight load, Remainder a minimum of 1 minute among sets. A different critical section of your own muscle building exercise program is to take in appropriately as well as drink a good amount of liquids.

See more

program for bodybuilding-rules
make schedule for your exercises
Legs exercises
chest exercises

Thursday, March 28, 2013

program for bodybuilding_rules

program for bodybuilding_rules

Do not underestimate breakfast

Breakfast time counteracts muscle tissue to extracting upon the best way. On the night the blood glucose is goes down and if you not eat a decent breakfast you stop your muscle from growing.


Do not take nutrition rather than food. Nutrition works best as a compliment to your food or as a lift before coaching. however ne'er believe that nutrition makes your muscle grow the approach that real food will. additionally check completely different to examine what nutrition that matches your body best.

Eat each 3-4 hour

You muscle grow as long as you have got the proper quantity of blood glucose in your body. As long as you have got that the body is aware of its okay to make muscles. you have got that correct amount in your body regarding 3-4 hours when your last meal. which means you have got to eat each 3-4 hour to keep up the proper balance in your body and to still grow muscle.

Drink Water

Every chemical rejection in your body happens in a very water based mostly atmosphere. If you are doing not drink water you're getting to dry and your functions in your body works poorly.

Control what you eat

Analyse what you eat and see if you get enough to make muscle. a method to try to to that's to whey your food for 3 days. this can be to examine your what quantity protein, carbs and fat you get. do that a handful of times a year to examine your development. will be straightforward to try to to with facilitate of a diet program that you simply can realize on net.

Vary the food

This is a key for fulfillment . the massive advantage you get is that your body don't get accustomed one bound nourishment. the chance is additionally least that you simply get lack of one thing, and sure as shooting can get the proper quantity of vitamins and minerals that your muscles have to be compelled to grow.

Eat right before coaching

You need to load your body right before you'll be able to perform a decent exertion. If you're coaching within the morning it are often smart to eat ton of carbs the night before. If you're coaching within the evenings you have got several meals to urge you ready for your exertion.

Eat right after coaching

After breakfast this can be the foremost necessary meal for you. when coaching you muscle are stone-broke down, and you would like to eat as quick as you'll be able to after coaching. Your muscles need each protein and carbs to grow, and here will your nutrition drinks be vital. this offers you each carbs and protein quick.